
New video gallery named Jeseníky promo videos with more than 30 promotion videos we did for our home mountains Jeseníky.

Created new section called Norge på langs 2019 explaining our biggest upcoming project ever!

New photogallery Norge pa langs 2019 with first small info about our upcoming biggest project of the year

Check out our new Motion showreel 2019 and also Photo showreel 2019, both of which you find in the section About

New skiing video in the section Adveturous Videos. Join the winners of the first edition of our Montura Arctic Challenge 2017/8 on their epic skimountaineering trip to Northern Norway.

Aktuálně z cíle Kungsleden v Hemavanu - Čekáme na doběh Lenky a Honzy - více ZDE

New video in the section ABOUT. It is a short showreel of the 2017 projects with Montura.

After years of just thinking about it, but never really needing it, I am finally starting my BLOG.

New photo gallery Petr Pavlíček with a few rare moments when I move from behind the cameras in front of their lenses

A few days ago we launched new webpage, dedicated to our home mountains Rychleby a Jeseníky