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Biggest cave of Scandinavia?

Human and Nature, 7. april 2019, viewed: 5466x, today: 2x

Norway has such a variety of beauty...

Here is a moment from filming the movie Change. Finally we are here... After a wild voyage on the yacht through one of the two most dangerous parts of of the norwegian coast, we anchored by a deserted peninsula, "somewhere" between Vingsand and Flatanger in Nord Trøndelag county. Our friend Gudmund wanted to show us something special. And he did!

From the coast, the cave does not look so huge and spectacular, like the Flatanger cave does... But you start to walk there and you still can not reach it. And then, you are finally there, and you are like.... OMG... WTF... what is this?? From this picture, you can not sense the space so well, it is just one"wing" of the cave... but it is really big.. Much much bigger than the Flatanger cave... Adam Ondra, the world´s best climber, said that only routes from 9a can be done here, mainly on the left side of the cave (behind my back)... Most impressive climbing wall I have ever seem he said. Time will show...

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