Well, OK... For many years I have been thinking about writing a blog. Not a diary, but more like my personal space for occasional expression of my thoughts, experiences or daily joys... But I never really started. It is 02:24 a.m. August 5th 2017 and I am as usually working late into the night. Today I am working here, on the new version of my webpage. I was neglecting it for so many years, damn... In fact, when I started to have big possibilities to do only what l love, which came with the first big sponsors like 9 yers ago, I practically stopped working on all of my webpages. Also my social media life was just a weak endeavour. There was simply no time and better no need to do it, I had so much cool work anyway...

Lately I started to feel that I surprisingly feel like working on my personal webpage a bit again... Why? Maybe I am too tired of Facebook, which was the only place where I was sharing small part of my stuff with a few friends... Hard to say, time will show...

While I was adding some basic photos to the gallery here on this webpage a while ago, I found this older photo of Bára, sitting on a boulder by the cold Atlantic ocean, far behind the Arctic circle. I remember that I have posted it with following text to my Instagram last year, after another big "terrorist attacks" in Europe, when everyone was blindly posting photos with french national flags on their social media... I remember this made me pretty disgusted.

why? Because I never saw anybody of Facebook etc with flags of Syria, Lybia, Irak etc., where the terror is so much bigger, and what is worse, caused there by huge numbers by us, or because of us, greedy western states... Here is the text I wrote to this photo that day...

Probably not the best blog entry, but fuck it, "starts" are not always big and glorious ;) And by the way, I still see this topic the same way even today...


DREAMING THE NEW WORLD (text from this photo on my Instagram from early 2016)

The more our strange western world turns into really a weird space, into a modern invisible "mind slavery" full of lies, childish fights and insane propaganda... The more the evolution of consciousness is pushed forward!

Either we end our blindness and change... Or we extinct! In fact it's very simple...

These hard times are so full of fears of people who are consuming the mainstream media and trends. Brainwashed to the verge of madness. These times are so full of very well planned manipulation. The Big brother knows how to do it... so how? Through fake attacks like 9/11 in New York (in fact US inside job to justify and start "endless war on terror = endless profit for those who own US government and presidents etc), Paris attacks, so many artificial illnesses, dirty and cruel cancer business, prefabricated idols, perfectly planned wars for democracy (read for "profit of corporations"), very well prepared migration crisis etc. So much negativity everywhere! WHY? Because they can rule only those who live in fear... Does it make sense to you? Do you recognize yourself, but you don´t see any other choice? Well... Then they have you. But!!! ONLY if you pay attention to this madness!

On the other hand this huge pressure is in fact a fantastic chance to give up the slavery for good! To stop listening to that political shit and finally start to honor very different values. Like kindness to all living beings of this world, ethics, cooperation, sharing...

This is human´s Nature... Cooperation! Not greed and fight. Darwin was not right! And he knew it...

We just forgot. We were manipulated for so long... Time to wake up! Silent moments in the Nature like this can release the long term pressure, energy then starts to flow, fears disappear and dreams start to seem to be reachable. It needs just one thing at the beginning. Throw away the worst weapon through which the system controls you... TV! TELEVISION = Telling lies to your vision!

Instead of watching all those manipulated lies, lift your ass up and go out. Forget about politics, about hate, about stupid shows which CAN'T CHANGE ANYTHING. Like elections.... It's just show, stupid, arogant. Stop it, stop offending your intelligence...

Instead go into the Nature, find the time just for yourself, and from inside out, let's create the new world. It's really that easy... Really... Energy flows where the attention goes. Choose wisely, every thought, word or action counts...

So from now... I will try to work on my page more regularly. Let us all focus only on the inspiring and positive stuff here.. I can´t wait interact with you :-)

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